Setting Up

Turn on the Editing Mode

Recipe: Click on the "Edit-on" link from the system menu , if it is not already on. The link will change to "Edit-off" if it is already on, click on it will hide the editing mode.

Explain: To change a site, or edit a folder, a page or an image, make sure you have the tool box shown up underneath the web site title. If it is not, click on the "Edit-on" link from the system menu bar. Once it is on, click on a link that will lead you to the a specific editing function. For example, when clicking "Edit" on the line that starts with "Page". You will be led to the page editor.

Editing the First Page in Home Folder

Recipe: Just click the Page->Edit link on the tool box.

Explain: The only available folder after you create your web site is called the home folder. The only page available at that time is the home page. Initially, the home page is empty. Your web site looks kind of blank. This is normal. You don't have to worry too much about this, because you are going to fill the site up real soon.

To edit the home page, make sure you have the tool box shown up underneath the web site title. If it is not, click on the "Edit-on" link from the system menu bar. Once it is on, click on the Edit link on the line that starts with "Page". You will be led to the page editor.

Once you are in the editor, you will notice that there are many things you can change in a page. You can start by editing the article content first. Article Content is the editing area that lets you edit the title and the text of the article. Change what you need to and click on the submit button on the top. Your change will be made.

To Add Folders to the Home folder

Recipe: Just click on the "New" link from the Folder line of the tool box and start entering information.

Explain: To add content to the site, the first thing you need to do is to create some folders under the root folder. For example, you can create some sub-folders such as "About Us", "News", Contact Us", etc. Once this is done, you are going to see the menu shown up on your page.

To Add Pages under a Folder

Recipe: Click on the "New" link from the Page line of the tool box and start entering information.

Explain: A page can be merely an article, or with some pictures going with it. In any folder, there is one that is a default page. This is the page that will display when you select a folder from the menu. All other pages are hidden and you have to click on the tool PageDir to list them out. If you want your viewer to see the list of the pages in the folder, you can put a feature "Page in Folder" in your default page for the folder.

To Change the Site's Title

Recipe: Client on the "Settings" link on the "Site" line in the tool box. Once there, click on the "Edit" link in the box for Site Title.

Explain: The "Site" line in the tools box are tools for making site wide changes. When going in to Settings, you will find quite a bit of parameters you can change there. One of them is for changing the Site's title. Just following the help information listed on the side to make changes.

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