EasierWeb is useful to individual users. When it comes to building personal web site, EasierWeb can satisfy some pretty complicated requirements. Here is a list of them.
Building Blogs
One of the hottest things to do on the Web is to build a personal blog. With a blog, the web site owner can post frequent updates to the web site, request user feedback through comments, post pictures, and categorize contents, with ease.
Picture Galleries
Individual users like to post pictures to share with the rest of the web. It requires the ability to show collection of pictures in the form of thumb-nail listings and a slide show. The pictures also have to be organized in a flexible way, such as in folders.
Communicate with Friends
One efficient way of communicating with friends is to create a discussion forum for a group of friends. Since only friends from the group have access to the forum, the discussion can include some subjects that you otherwise would not discuss. The difference between this and an email list is that you have the ability to look back to the history of the discussion and manage the postings easily.
Update Easily and Frequently
Part of the reasons that hold you back from publishing on the Web is the complexity of publishing itself. Imagine how much easier and faster website publishing would be if you do not need to worry about the design issues. When you type, you know that the content is going to end up predictably in the right places.
Things Are Organized
When you start to populate the web page, you'll realize how much stuff you have! Putting things in the right place is important on two fronts. One is that the content must be organized in such way that you can find it later by yourself. The other is the flow of the site letting people looking at this content must be smooth and intuitive.
Don't Let Everybody See Everything
There are things you may not want the general public to see. It is necessary to have the whole or part of the site off limits to the public.